I need help with
Community Support (Including Food Banks)
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Epping Forest District
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9 Partners
Citizens Advice Epping Forest District
18+ years
Citizens Advice Epping Forest District
18+ years
Services provided
We offer free, impartial, confidential advice on a wide range of subjects and issues that help you find a way forward to live life well.
The advice we offer is accredited under the Advice Quality Standard, which means we are a service you can rely on and trust to help you solve the big and the small issues that affect your day to day life.
We know how hard it can be to take the first step and ask for advice and support. Our advisers are trained to the highest standards and have the knowledge and skills to help you.
We are here to listen and to help you find a way through your problems.
Take the first step by visiting our website.
Essex Respite and Care Association
18+ years
Essex Respite and Care Association
18+ years
Services provided
We provide clients and their carers with support at home and in the community. Encouraging clients to develop life skills, engage in social activities and build their self esteem and confidence, allowing carers time to pursue their own interests or simply time to relax.
Our support is person centered, setting achievable goals with the person we support, working in partnership with local agencies to achieve the best outcomes.
We support clients with the following needs: mental health (depression & anxiety), dementia, social isolation, neurodiversity, brain injury and stroke survivors.
Essex Respite & Care Association (ERCA) provides support covering the following activities:
Essex Wellbeing Service
16+ years
Essex Wellbeing Service
16+ years
Services provided
We provide Essex residents (excluding Southend-On-Sea and Thurrock) with access to health checks; stop smoking services; weight management courses; and emotional health and wellbeing support. All of our services are free.
First Stop Centre
18+ years
First Stop Centre
18+ years
Services provided
First Stop is a charity helping those who are in need in the Braintree area and surrounding communities.
The aim is to help those who have/or are disadvantaged by: a history of poor mental health, carers, ex-offenders, homelessness, learning needs, senior citizens, single parents, socially isolated, substance misuse, those unemployed (whether on benefits or not) or anyone in hardship needing help.
The help they can get is by accessing:
And any other help that may be needed. Our expertise is that as a long established organisation, we can refer on to a range of services to meet an individual's needs.
Foodbank Epping Forest
All ages
Foodbank Epping Forest
All ages
Services provided
We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. We provide emergency food parcels to people who live in or near the Epping Forest District who have been referred to us by frontline care professionals.
Home-Start Essex
15+ years
Home-Start Essex
15+ years
Services provided
Home-Start Essex aims to give families with at least one child aged under 5 the best possible start in life by supporting parents and caregivers to feel less isolated, to build their confidence in themselves and their parenting and to find ways to manage the challenges they face. We build trusting, helpful relationships with families and deliver a range of flexible support to meet their individual needs, including volunteer-led home visiting, family groups, wellbeing services, school-readiness, and behaviour support programmes.
11 to 18 years
11 to 18 years
Services provided
Kooth.com is commissioned to provide an online wellbeing platform which along with text based counselling also includes helpful articles, forums, activity centre, daily journal and messaging. We provide British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy accredited services and Kooth is available to young people aged 11-18 in Essex.
The service provides a free and non-judgemental place for children and young people to connect with others and know they are not alone. They have instant access to self-help materials, fully moderated discussion forums and tools such as online journals and goal trackers. They can also contribute written pieces of work reflecting their own experiences, as well as accessing drop-in or booked text-based counselling sessions with professional counsellors.
These are online services that offer anonymised support via online counsellors, available 365 days a year, 12pm -10pm on weekdays and 6pm-10pm on weekends.
Peabody Trust
18+ years
Peabody Trust
18+ years
Services provided
A support service for vulnerable adults. Offering assistance with accessing housing needs, maximising income, managing debt/ budgeting advice, social isolation, court and eviction notices.
Voluntary Action Epping Forest
18+ years
Voluntary Action Epping Forest
18+ years
Services provided
Voluntary Action Epping Forest (VAEF), operational since 1993 is an independent Charity, our mission is to work with the people of Epping Forest District to empower, support and develop voluntary and community activity.
As an umbrella organisation we develop new initiatives to meet community needs and promote cooperation between the voluntary and statutory sectors.
We offer a range of practical support, including advice on funding, help with running a voluntary organisation and provide a comprehensive Volunteer Service to help local people access volunteering opportunities.
We also run a diverse range of community projects for isolated residents in Epping Forest, these include:
Benefits Advice
Community Response Hub
Handyman for homeowners
Volunteer Centre
Digital Learning Sessions
Ace Activities supported day activity sessions for people with learning disabilities.
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