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Counselling and Talking Therapies

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16 Partners

Chelmsford Partners

Adult Community Learning (ACL Essex)

19+ years

Mental Health Wellbeing and Recovery Programme.

Please contact for additional details.

BOSP (Brighter Opportunities for Special People)

0 to 25 years

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BOSP supports children and young adults with complex disabilities or life-limiting conditions, and their families, by providing high-quality, fun, educational activities, respite, peer support and counselling.

By Your Side (Essex Maternal Mental Health Service)

18+ years

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The loss of a baby is a devastating experience and one that can bring a range of thoughts, feelings, and responses that can feel confusing, bewildering, and isolating. By Your Side is a maternal mental health service provided by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, in collaboration with midwifery colleagues, which offers therapeutic care and grief therapy for people who were pregnant and have experienced a perinatal loss. Our team aims to help people with their loss, being by your side during a devastating time.

Service Information

By Your Side works with people who were pregnant and are experiencing moderate to severe mental health difficulties as a result of perinatal loss, including;
Miscarriage (including recurrent/multiple miscarriages)
Neonatal death

Unfortunately, we do not currently accept self-referrals so please ask a health or social care professional (such as your GP) to submit a referral on your behalf. You must be over the age of 18, registered with a GP in Essex, and your loss must have occurred within the last year.

Chelmsford Counselling Foundation

18+ years

People come to Chelmsford Counselling Foundation (CCF) for many reasons - for example as a result of depression, anxiety, loneliness; difficulty in facing life's circumstances or relationship difficulties. 

For some, memories about the past, painful events in the present, or worries about the future, may mean that they cannot enjoy life, or live it in the way they would wish. 

CCF provides Psychodynamic Counselling, which can help you to understand how past experiences and current behaviour may be linked. 

It allows space to explore thoughts and feelings about yourself as an individual and in relationships with others, with someone trained to listen in a non-directive way. 

All of our counsellors have been trained by us and are all registered with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Circle (Farleigh hospice adult bereavement service)

18+ years

Circle adult bereavement support is a community service that any adult (18+) can access who has experienced the bereavement of someone significant. 

We offer a range of support including: counselling, 1to1 support, telephone support, information and advice and a variety of group activities. 

You can refer yourself or with the help of a professional e.g. GP. 

We are based at Farleigh Hospice in Chelmsford but also cover the Braintree and Maldon districts.

Our services are free of charge.

Essex Mind and Spirit

18+ years

We are a community organisation that supports people by raising awareness of spiritual care in Mental Health recovery.

An important part of this work includes promoting respect for people’s beliefs and practices from faith traditions other than their own. This includes those beliefs of people who claim no religious affiliation.

Home-Start Essex

15+ years

Home-Start Essex aims to give families with at least one child aged under 5 the best possible start in life by supporting parents and caregivers to feel less isolated, to build their confidence in themselves and their parenting and to find ways to manage the challenges they face. We build trusting, helpful relationships with families and deliver a range of flexible support to meet their individual needs, including volunteer-led home visiting, family groups, wellbeing services, school-readiness, and behaviour support programmes.

Kids Inspire

4 to 18 years

Kids Inspire is a children’s mental health charity supporting children and young people aged 4-18 from low-income households and their families navigating mental health challenges and trauma. We do this through creative and arts-based trauma informed therapies, mentoring and community-based activities.  


11 to 18 years

Kooth.com is commissioned to provide an online wellbeing platform which along with text based counselling also includes helpful articles, forums, activity centre, daily journal and messaging. We provide British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy accredited services and Kooth is available to young people aged 11-18 in Essex. 

The service provides a free and non-judgemental place for children and young people to connect with others and know they are not alone. They have instant access to self-help materials, fully moderated discussion forums and tools such as online journals and goal trackers. They can also contribute written pieces of work reflecting their own experiences, as well as accessing drop-in or booked text-based counselling sessions with professional counsellors.

These are online services that offer anonymised support via online counsellors, available 365 days a year, 12pm -10pm on weekdays and 6pm-10pm on weekends. 

Mid and North East Essex Mind

All ages

We are your local mental health charity. Our mission is to listen to our communities and offer compassionate and inclusive mental health services, resources, and practical support to promote wellbeing for everyone.

Mid and North East Essex Mind believe no one should face a mental health problem alone. We provide mental health services for children and adults across the area including counselling, peer support, practical support and a dedicated young people's service. To find out more about the services available in your area please call us or visit the website for more information. 

Supported by

Brentwood CVS

Funded By

NHS Mid and South Essex