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22 Partners

Braintree Partners

Aching Arms

16+ years

Services provided

Aching Arms is a national charity based in Brentwood that provides comfort and support for bereaved families after the loss of their baby during pregnancy, at birth or soon after.  We work directly with midwives and nurses at over 170 hospitals nationwide, who, on our behalf, offer an Aching Arms Bear to parents in their care. We also donate comfort bears to other organisations who support families after baby loss at any stage of pregnancy and send them to families who contact us themselves via our website.

The bear provides a sensitive conduit for health professionals to support and discuss the emotional and well-being needs of parents, particularly in the turbulent days following their baby’s death.

Each Aching Arms bear is given as a gift from one bereaved family to another, to let the parents know that they are not alone, and each beautiful bear wears a personalised, handwritten label with the name of the baby in whose memory the bear was dedicated. The label also signposts parents to our website, where they will find support and information.

Our support is not limited to the giving of our comfort bears, we have several ways in which we help parents and families, including:


Run by bereaved parents, our Supporting Arms service offers parents the opportunity to talk to someone who has an understanding of what they’re going through. Families can access support by telephone, text or email on 07464 508994 or support@achingarms.co.uk


We host a monthly online group specifically for Dads to share and discuss their particular experiences. Please see our website for full details.


Our Virtual Care service gives parents the chance to book a video support call with our Bereavement Care Manager. Booking is available on the link on our website.


The Be Together Programme is a range of community events that bring bereaved parents, siblings and families together. Please see our website for full details.

BOSP (Brighter Opportunities for Special People)

0 to 25 years

View Showreel

BOSP supports children and young adults with complex disabilities or life-limiting conditions, and their families, by providing high-quality, fun, educational activities, respite, peer support and counselling.

Brave Parents

All ages of parent carers 18 plus

Brave Parents provides self care opportunities to parents who have children with complex medical needs*.

We recognise that many of these parents forget to care for themselves. They work so hard to keep their child well that their own needs always come second.

However, over time this can have an affect on the mental health of the caregivers and whole family unit.

We create opportunities for Parent Carers to have some well needed ‘you’ time to support their mental health and well-being.

From pamper ‘… for you’ and Hospital Boxes to in person events and local meets, we hope to encourage self care and highlight that it is essential, especially through hard times.

*’Complex medical needs’ refers to children who have been diagnosed by a medical professional, with an illness, disability or sensory impairment (sight and/or hearing impairment) that requires substantial daily support from a Parent Carer.

Brave Parents - Registered Charity No. 1204544

Carers First

18+ years

Services provided

Carers FIRST has been commissioned by Essex County Council to deliver carer support across Essex to unpaid carers ages 18 plus and we have a Carer Support Advisor specifically for the Brentwood area.

At Carers FIRST, we understand that caring can be hard, but believe getting the right help ahouldn't be. We work directly with and for unpaid carers to provide personalised information, advice and support; making it easier for them to continue living their lives to the fullest. We currently run online carer wellbeing groups and activities, but look forward getting back to community based events too.

One carer's recent comment "The fact that I am listened to helps boost my confidence - Carer's FIRST has given me a voice for which i am grateful".

Crossroads Braintree and Chelmsford Ltd

18+ years

Crossroads Braintree and Chelmsford provides the following services for family carers in Mid-Essex. 

Respite Sitting Service 

Befriending Service 

Respite Day Care for older people 

We provide emotional, practical support, advice and guidance. 

Essex Respite and Care Association

18+ years

We provide clients and their carers with support at home and in the community. Encouraging clients to develop life skills, engage in social activities and build their self esteem and confidence, allowing carers time to pursue their own interests or simply time to relax.

Our support is person centered, setting achievable goals with the person we support, working in partnership with local agencies to achieve the best outcomes.

We support clients with the following needs: mental health (depression & anxiety), dementia, social isolation, neurodiversity, brain injury and stroke survivors.

Essex Respite & Care Association (ERCA) provides support covering the following activities: 

  • Prompt with self-care tasks.
  • Support to achieve personal goals.
  • Support to have your voice heard.
  • Company and conversations.
  • Stimulation of memory.
  • Sitting service.
  • Support with housework and laundry.
  • Meal planning and preparation.
  • Shopping.
  • Attending appointments.
  • Prescription collection.
  • Visits to restaurants and cafes.
  • Attending plays, cinema, concerts, social activities.
  • Walking, yoga, swimming and cycling.

Essex Victim Support

4+ years

Is an independent charity offering free and confidential support to people affected by crime. 

To access support, you are welcome to self refer. 

You do not need to have reported the crime tp the police and it doesn't matter when the crime took place.

Essex Wellbeing Service

16+ years

We provide Essex residents (excluding Southend-On-Sea and Thurrock) with access to health checks; stop smoking services; weight management courses; and emotional health and wellbeing support. All of our services are free.

Families InFocus (Essex)

Children 0 to 25 years and their Parent Carers

We are an independent, parent-led charity, providing specialist and person-centred support to families who have a child or young person with any special educational need or disability (SEND). We can offer:

  • Information and advice, and a helpline;
  • One to one support including assistance with Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Personal Independence Payments (PIP) applications;
  • Independent parental support on all educational issues includes assessments, education health care plans and exclusions;
  • Support through group activities including a Saturday Activity Club.

We give parents and their children a voice, and help families to navigate the system and access exactly what they are entitled to. We work alongside families, to empower and give confidence. 

“I honestly believe the support and guidance you provide is invaluable. I can’t thank you enough. I felt so supported and understood. When I couldn’t turn to others I could to Families InFocus.”

Our service is free to access, and anyone from Essex who has a child or young person with any SEND can get in touch.

First Stop Centre

18+ years

First Stop is a charity helping those who are in need in the Braintree area and surrounding communities.

The aim is to help those who have/or are disadvantaged by: a history of poor mental health, carers, ex-offenders, homelessness, learning needs, senior citizens, single parents, socially isolated, substance misuse, those unemployed (whether on benefits or not) or anyone in hardship needing help.

The help they can get is by accessing:

  • Affordable Counselling, 1:1 appointments
  • Our Community Fridge (accessing good nutritional food and helping prevent food waste)
  • CV Construction
  • Education classes: Confidence courses (a choice of 4), Learn my Way (IT), Digital Confidence- using tablets and other devices (including internet safety), arts & crafts and basic skills, including budgeting and maths- all in a professional but informal way
  • Accessing impartial Information, Advice & Guidance- to a range of services
  • Safe c/o address 

And any other help that may be needed. Our expertise is that as a long established organisation, we can refer on to a range of services to meet an individual's needs.  

Supported by

Brentwood CVS

Funded By

NHS Mid and South Essex