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2 Partners

Braintree Partners

BOSP (Brighter Opportunities for Special People)

0 to 25 years

View Showreel

BOSP supports children and young adults with complex disabilities or life-limiting conditions, and their families, by providing high-quality, fun, educational activities, respite, peer support and counselling.

First Stop Centre

18+ years

First Stop is a charity helping those who are in need in the Braintree area and surrounding communities.

The aim is to help those who have/or are disadvantaged by: a history of poor mental health, carers, ex-offenders, homelessness, learning needs, senior citizens, single parents, socially isolated, substance misuse, those unemployed (whether on benefits or not) or anyone in hardship needing help.

The help they can get is by accessing:

  • Affordable Counselling, 1:1 appointments
  • Our Community Fridge (accessing good nutritional food and helping prevent food waste)
  • CV Construction
  • Education classes: Confidence courses (a choice of 4), Learn my Way (IT), Digital Confidence- using tablets and other devices (including internet safety), arts & crafts and basic skills, including budgeting and maths- all in a professional but informal way
  • Accessing impartial Information, Advice & Guidance- to a range of services
  • Safe c/o address 

And any other help that may be needed. Our expertise is that as a long established organisation, we can refer on to a range of services to meet an individual's needs.  

Supported by

Brentwood CVS

Funded By

NHS Mid and South Essex