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7 Partners

Brentwood Partners

Adult Community Learning (ACL Essex)

19+ years

Mental Health Wellbeing and Recovery Programme.

Please contact for additional details.

Daily Bread Café

Suitable for All Ages

The Daily Bread Café is open four days a week, Tues, Wed & Fri with various inclusive clubs and activities for all to enjoy. Thursday is our Little Fishes Group which is for parents and carers of pre-school age children.

The café aims to help reduce social isolation, improve mental well-being, and give meaningful activities to our visitors, we also have a pay it forward board.

The Daily Bread Food Hub provide free bags of shopping which can include fruit, vegetables, fresh and frozen food and also store cupboard essentials. Our team of volunteers collect from over 200 supermarkets each week. This prevents tonnes of food waste from going into landfill. The Food Hub is open 6 mornings a week.

Essex Wellbeing Service

16+ years

We provide Essex residents (excluding Southend-On-Sea and Thurrock) with access to health checks; stop smoking services; weight management courses; and emotional health and wellbeing support. All of our services are free.

Frontline Partnership

18+ years

Frontline Partnership is a charity based in Brentwood, Essex. We offer community-based experiences to people with a learning disability and high support needs who are at risk of being excluded from many of the simple pleasures and experiences of everyday life.

Home-Start Essex

15+ years

Home-Start Essex aims to give families with at least one child aged under 5 the best possible start in life by supporting parents and caregivers to feel less isolated, to build their confidence in themselves and their parenting and to find ways to manage the challenges they face. We build trusting, helpful relationships with families and deliver a range of flexible support to meet their individual needs, including volunteer-led home visiting, family groups, wellbeing services, school-readiness, and behaviour support programmes.

Sport for Confidence

16+ years

Sport for Confidence combines the expertise of Occupational Therapists and Sports Coaches in leisure centres to make reasonable adjustments and reduce barriers to enable everyone to participate in accessible sport and physical activity to improve health, wellbeing and life skills. Based in various leisure centres across Essex and London, we adapt physical activity sessions to be inclusive to everyone over the age of 16.

Trailnet CIC

4+ years

Trailnet offers a range of cycling and other activities from our Cycle Centre at Thorndon Country Park.

We have a wide selection of standard bikes and adapted trikes so that all ages and abilities can cycle through the woods, either independently or as part of one of our supported group rides.

We also offer cycling lessons for those that can't ride a bike, provide free cycle mechanic training and refurbish old bikes for reuse by the public.

In addition to cycling, we offer orienteering using a map and compass, and geocaching - a high-tech treasure hunt using hand-held GPS units.

Volunteers are always welcome to help us deliver our various sessions.

However you want to enjoy outdoor activities, we are there to help.

Supported by

Brentwood CVS

Funded By

NHS Mid and South Essex