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Benefits and Debt Advice

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Castle Point, Rayleigh and Rochford

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4 Partners

Castle Point, Rayleigh and Rochford Partners

Citizens Advice Braintree and South Essex

18+ years

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We’re here to help!

Our service is free, confidential and open to everyone in the community.  We can help with many issues, including:

  • Benefits
  • Debt problems
  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Family and relationship issues
  • Neighbourhood disputes
  • Education and healthcare
  • Consumer rights

We will give you the facts and possible outcomes.  That way you can make the decision that’s right for you.  If needed, we can also offer practical support such as help with form filling, writing letters or negotiating with third parties. Sometimes we might direct you to a different organisation that is better placed to help.

We're here for everyone.

Citizens Advice Castle Point Borough

18+ years

Providing free, confidential and impartial advice that people need for the problems they face and to improve their lives.  We have experience in providing non-medical advice to people who suffer from mental health issues including benefits, debt, employment, housing, relationship advice.

Families InFocus (Essex)

Children 0 to 25 years and their Parent Carers

We are an independent, parent-led charity, providing specialist and person-centred support to families who have a child or young person with any special educational need or disability (SEND). We can offer:

  • Information and advice, and a helpline;
  • One to one support including assistance with Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Personal Independence Payments (PIP) applications;
  • Independent parental support on all educational issues includes assessments, education health care plans and exclusions;
  • Support through group activities including a Saturday Activity Club.

We give parents and their children a voice, and help families to navigate the system and access exactly what they are entitled to. We work alongside families, to empower and give confidence. 

“I honestly believe the support and guidance you provide is invaluable. I can’t thank you enough. I felt so supported and understood. When I couldn’t turn to others I could to Families InFocus.”

Our service is free to access, and anyone from Essex who has a child or young person with any SEND can get in touch.

Peabody Trust

18+ years

A support service for vulnerable adults. Offering assistance with accessing housing needs, maximising income, managing debt/ budgeting advice, social isolation, court and eviction notices.

Supported by

Brentwood CVS

Funded By

NHS Mid and South Essex